I've noticed, especially lately, if my back is playing up and I do some stretching, it takes a good chunk of time before I can really feel the benefits. Same with if I'm eating healthily (or junky!). It takes a good few days to kick in and see the benefits (or detriments!).
And it's pretty much the same with vibration. Yes, instant, or close to instant manifestation happens, especially depending on resistance release etc. But broadly speaking, these things take a while to kick in. Such is the process of life!
Same with a seed, you sow them and follow the process of sun, feeding, watering and as the months go by you'll be blessed with a beautiful plant!
Trust that in the feeling good and working to be more positive, that it all adds up and will tip the scales in your favour.
All is well!!!
Happy seed-ing!!!
Lots of love, Nick Xxx
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